Urban noise monitoring

Intelligent acoustic sensors to analyze city noise in depth

Better monitoring, apprehending and understanding noisy events in the city or in industry makes it possible to greatly improve the well-being of residents or employees of these nuisances.

Our solutions are thus able to detect particular noise events, either because they generate noise pollution for the environment, or because they are linked to a particular problem requiring a reaction.

Numerous noise sources can thus be supervised:

  • Neighborhood noise in municipalities
  • Noise from major transport infrastructures
  • Noise from sporting and cultural events
  • Exposure of workers to noise pollution
  • Assessment of the impacts of creating or modifying infrastructure...

For example:

  • Continuous monitoring of a car circuit with the generation of an automatic weekly report allowing continuous monitoring of noise pollution generated for local residents
  • Evaluation of the impact of a change of asphalt on a busy road for local residents over 3 years